Using marketing automation in your pitch is a near sure-fire way to win over prospective clients. You get to demonstrate your expertise with the platform, and clients can see exactly what’s missing in their marketing strategies.
It's About Placing the Platform Right in the Client's Hands
In this issue of Agency Perspectives, you will:
- Learn how one agency uses marketing automation to sell marketing automation
- Discover how to personalize each pitch with the client’s data, logo, etc.
- See how one agency increased its monthly recurring revenue by 30%
Niall Durkan
Durkan Group
“Whether you’ve already got tons of clients on a platform or you’re looking to convert your first one, integrating marketing automation into your own strategy makes it easy to find new clients, pique their interest, and get them to say yes.”
What is 'Agency Perspectives'?
Agency Perspectives lets you hear directly from other agencies about how they are using marketing automation to create higher value relationships, build monthly recurring revenue, and prove value to clients. It’s available exclusively from SharpSpring. Contact us if you’d like to share your expertise as an author.