Email marketing campaigns are a great way to generate leads, but there are two common problems that need to be worked through when devising email marketing campaigns

The spam folder and the ancient art of email blasting are two problems that all email marketing campaigns encounter.

SharpSpring allows you overcome these problems by allowing you to segment your email recipients into lists, which will allow you to group clients in whatever way suits your business needs.

Let’s look at some potential solutions to the problems that the spam folder and email blasting present.

Avoiding spam

When sending an email through automation, there is a risk of the email ending up in a lead’s spam folder.

In order to avoid the purgatory that is the spam folder, it’s important to use an email address that matches the name of the person who sent the email. It’s also a good idea to send an email with the recipient’s name included in the email,.

Email Blasting

It’s impractical for a marketing department to send a separate email to every single potential lead.

However, the age-old method of email blasting is not the best way to reach every single recipient. The best way to reach a group of people, but still make it personally significant is through behavior based segmentation. Start by dividing the groups of people who access your website into separate groups.

These groups can include the following types of customers:

  •     Customers who buy from you frequently
  •     Visitors who access the website, but don’t finish the buying process
  •     Customers who don’t respond to emails or click on calls to action

All three of these groups can be placed in their own segment and receive separate emails by group.

For the group that buys frequently, you can provide a thank you message as well as a quick survey to see what they like about the product or service you are providing.

For the visitors who search, but don’t buy, you can include a free trial through email.

For those customers that don’t answer emails, you can then assign them to a lead nurturing campaign. That way you can check in with these customers sporadically, while focusing on the leads who are more interested in your website.

The best way to design an effective email marketing campaign is to truly understand your buyer’s persona. This will allow you to send a small number of emails, while reaching a large number of people that connects with the email recipients on a personal level.

A better understanding of your client base will allow you to design effective email marketing campaigns.

Isabel Hasty
Isabel Hasty writes and edits case studies to share client success stories and industry trends. She produces a variety of lead-generation content, including white papers, blogs, infographics, and thought leadership articles.