Post by Lisa RiosLast updated on April 7, 2022
To keep up with what users want (and its popular step-sister, TikTok,) it seems like Instagram is coming out with a new update or feature every day. Between changing feeds and the heavy push toward video, Instagram has also unveiled tools that help creators make content within the app and keep fans engaged throughout. While it may feel frustrating to…
07 Apr 2022
When it comes to success in social media marketing, it may seem like every competitor out there is trying to grab your customers’ attention. While it may seem a bit daunting at first, gaining traction on social media doesn’t have to be difficult if you know which key performance indicators (KPI) to look at. By understanding volume, reach, engagement, and influence, you and your…
22 May 2020
Post by Katrina McAfeeLast updated on January 22, 2020
When it comes to engagement with external partners to promote your brand, choosing the right influencers can be vital. With a built-in audience of followers and fans, social media influencers have the ability to plug your products with an honest opinion that holds sway over your potential customers. Learning how to find influencers and collaborating to reach their followers can…
15 Jan 2020