Last updated on January 15, 2020
If you’re a marketer considering the adoption of new marketing automation tools or software, your boss is probably echoing what Cuba Gooding Jr. said in the movie Jerry McGuire: "Show me the money." According to Gleanster, 77% of CMOs at top-performing companies say their primary reason for implementing sales and marketing automation is to increase revenue. When sales and marketing…

Last updated on December 13, 2019
In the past, many retailers would shut down on major holidays. However, consumers now buy in a different way and shoppers want businesses to be open and available all the time. Similarly, just because you may not be in the office over the holidays, it shouldn’t mean your marketing efforts stall or that response time for your customers should suffer.…

Last updated on July 19, 2019
There are many ways to drive business goals using email marketing. But triggered emails are a particularly powerful tool to influence your audiences to act. Check out these statistics: Triggered emails drive 624% higher conversion responses for the same number of sends as compared to batch and blast emails. Over 75% of email revenue is generated by triggered campaigns, rather…