Proving ROI With Marketing Automation

Using one platform to manage digital campaigns, score leads and nurture opportunities, resulting in 10x ROI.

Demonstrated 10x ROI on all marketing efforts.

With SharpSpring, Brytons had the tools to track, nurture and convert more leads and to zero in on high-performing keywords.

Increased sales conversions by 35%.

Lead scoring in SharpSpring made phone and email campaigns convert at a higher rate.

Doing more of what’s working.

Brytons reallocated dollars to digital marketing to double down on AdWords campaigns that were killing it. With clear and compelling data to support results, Brytons decided to increase its marketing budget by 50%.


Brytons Home Improvement


Provides bathroom remodeling and window replacement services in North and South Carolina, USA.


Brytons uses a variety of channels to market its products, including home shows, showrooms, TV ads, email campaigns, AdWords, call centers and postcards. However, before using SharpSpring,the company didn’t have a solid process for segmenting its leads and understanding their product interests. Brytons knew that the internet was bringing in a ton of leads, but it didn’t know which ones were qualified. This made it difficult to track and prove the ROI of marketing campaigns and budget accordingly.


Prove the ROI of digital campaigns, effectively nurture leads until they are sales ready, and ensure the hottest leads are being worked.

``We had a record year last year when we started using SharpSpring. What we spend each month on marketing, we get back tenfold. That’s our sweet spot right now, and we think this year will be even better.``

Kim Kinney

Director of Marketing, Brytons Home Improvement


Brytons implemented SharpSpring with a focus on three key areas:

Google AdWords Native Integration
After evaluating a number of keywords, the company was able to prove that the keyword phrase “bathroom remodeling” had the highest return on investment after its other branded keywords. “Bathroom remodeling” is a very generic – and therefore very expensive – keyword, but SharpSpring helped prove that the cost per click was justified since these leads converted at the highest rate. Without this insight enabled by SharpSpring’s analytics, Brytons could have erroneously shifted budget to lower cost-per-lead keywords at the expense of higher converting keywords, thus lowering sales.

Lead Nurturing
Brytons also used SharpSpring to improve its lead nurturing processes. Many leads were gathered during a remodel giveaway contest. Some had been engaging with Brytons for more than a year. They would click through emails, visit the site, and even spend up to 20 minutes on one particular page – but many of them were not buying. With SharpSpring, the company was able to track page visits to identify what these leads were looking for and then send a series of nurture emails to move them toward a purchase. Nurturing leads with helpful “Did you know…?” and “How to…” emails helped Brytons gain the trust of its leads, so when the time came for them to make a purchase, Brytons was top of mind.

Lead Scoring
Using SharpSpring, Brytons was able to identify hot leads, which made it much easier to effectively pull lists for its call center and mailing campaigns. Each time a lead opened an email or visited a page on the website, his/her lead score would go up, allowing Brytons to see who was engaged. SharpSpring offered insights on which pages and products leads were viewing, so Brytons could send more targeted messaging based on leads’ interests.

``With SharpSpring, every time a lead opens an email or visits the website their score goes up, so we know that they are engaged. We also know what products they are interested in so that we can send more targeted messaging.``

Kim Kinney

Director of Marketing, Brytons Home Improvement

Real Results With SharpSpring

Achieved a 10x return on marketing investment due to detailed insights into campaign performance and re-allocation of spend to higher-performing activities.

Increased leads by 35% as a result of targeted engagement with high lead scoring prospects and a streamlined sales process.

Increased visibility and ROI on AdWords campaigns, justifying a 50% increase on marketing spend, which continues to show the same positive ROI.

``Using SharpSpring, we were able to generate more quality leads, convert more leads to sales, and spend our marketing resources more wisely for an across-the-board impact. What's not to like about that? Any company not using a solid marketing automation platform is playing an old game and ignoring the new rules of the road. All companies should give serious consideration to SharpSpring. It’s just smart business.``

Kim Kinney

Director of Marketing, Brytons Home Improvement

Since 1992, Brytons Home Improvement has provided North and South Carolina with home remodeling services. All of its installers are employees, which allows them to work more efficiently and cost-effectively than other firms. Brytons prides itself on not giving estimates or quotes, only exact pricing. This way, there are no surprise costs or hidden fees, making it easier to build trust with customers.

Hear directly from clients about how marketing automation is producing real-world results in a variety of industries.

Ready to learn more?

Adding marketing automation to your toolbox can help you grow your business. Schedule time with our Director of Partnerships to chat about your specific needs and see SharpSpring in action.