
About NiftyImages

Founded in 2015, NiftyImages has been dedicated to helping email marketers succeed through innovative email techniques. With over 11,000 users, their clients can use any email service provider to deliver personalized content, animated countdown timers or live updating images. Learn more at


How does NiftyImages work with SharpSpring?

You can easily add any image you design with NiftyImages to your SharpSpring emails simply by inserting the image URL. In just seconds, using any SharpSpring merge variable you can create a personalized image, animated timer, live social feed, or images that update using outside data sources. Get a free trial here:

SharpSpring & NiftyImages on Zapier

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The benefits of using SharpSpring & NiftyImages

  • Increase click through rates
  • Automatically create a personalized image as soon as a lead fills out a SharpSpring form