Post by Ann SmartyLast updated on October 14, 2022
A solid social media strategy is essential to making sure that your social media marketing efforts are aligned with the rest of your marketing strategy. Consistency is key. There are many different approaches, styles, and layouts for a social media strategy. Would you be surprised if I told you that nothing about social media is a one-size-fits-all approach? Yeah, I…
14 Oct 2022

Post by Lisa RiosLast updated on June 10, 2022
If you’ve been running social media marketing campaigns, you may be obsessed with gaining followers. Whether it thrills you or dismays you, the truth is that the follower count is a vanity metric. To some extent, it boosts your ranking in the feed and lends you some brand credibility. But if they don’t translate directly into clients (i.e. revenue), do…
03 Jun 2022

Post by Rebecca WentworthLast updated on May 5, 2022
Social media has transformed the world of digital marketing. For better or worse, it represents most consumers’ preferred means of communication, entertainment, and information-seeking. That’s why many brands are eager to establish a strong social media presence — and these days, potentially even sell their products and services directly on the platform. For years, the common wisdom has been that…
25 Apr 2022

Post by Ann SmartyLast updated on May 3, 2022
Social media is a powerful marketing channel but it's not all about building traffic. In fact, it's not really about building traffic at all, because focusing on clicks means brands neglect other - more important - marketing opportunities, like brand loyalty and brand recognition. And both loyalty and brand recognition hugely contribute to your company’s sales funnel. In fact, social…
15 Apr 2022

Post by Lisa RiosLast updated on April 7, 2022
To keep up with what users want (and its popular step-sister, TikTok,) it seems like Instagram is coming out with a new update or feature every day. Between changing feeds and the heavy push toward video, Instagram has also unveiled tools that help creators make content within the app and keep fans engaged throughout. While it may feel frustrating to…
07 Apr 2022

Post by Ann SmartyLast updated on September 21, 2021
Would you like to build more traffic to your blog? I thought you might! The thing is, most bloggers are after organic search traffic (and for a good reason) but they completely ignore other traffic-building methods. Yes, search traffic is easier to scale but it is never a good idea to put all eggs into one basket. You need more…
22 Sep 2021

Post by Harryson PointdujourLast updated on May 21, 2021
It’s yet another ‘one-stop-shop’ advantage in SharpSpring’s Revenue Growth Platform Instagram has long been an important part of the digital marketer’s toolkit. With its recent enhancements, more than ever, businesses are seeing higher marketing ROI and more converted customers from this social channel. The major stride Instagram made last year was to offer its platform for businesses to market and…
21 May 2021

Post by Jackie FedeliLast updated on April 29, 2020
If you’re in the business of marketing, you understand the importance of creating great content. But no matter how great, your content is only effective if you share it effectively. Social media allows you to quickly share your website or blog content with your followers, their followers, and millions of more individuals across the platform. What separates LinkedIn most from…
29 Apr 2020

Post by Kim AnchorsLast updated on February 25, 2020
Are you looking to boost your brand awareness, gain a larger online following and grow your sales revenue? If so, it’s a good idea to step back and ask yourself whether your company’s marketing is social-ready. If it’s not, don’t worry! There’s no time like the present to learn more about the importance of social media marketing. In today’s world,…
21 Feb 2020

Post by Joel GarlandLast updated on October 8, 2019
As you look at your overall marketing strategy, it shouldn't come as a surprise that social media is here to stay. You likely already have a business page on Facebook (and other social media channels) and might be doing a great job of maintaining an organic content calendar. However, these efforts likely aren't delivering the number of qualified leads and…
09 Oct 2019