Last updated on November 19, 2021
Email Marketing Frequency Best Practices These days, email marketers of every kind know the importance of keeping in touch with your target audience. To stay top-of-mind, you must regularly email your list. But what constitutes “regular”? How many emails is too many — or too few? Email marketing frequency requires a delicate balance, as your audience will quickly unsubscribe if…

Last updated on November 12, 2021
The digital marketing world loves to use jargon and acronyms to when discussing many daily marketing activities. You’ve probably stumbled across a few email marketing terms that had you turning to Google. And we know that sometimes convoluted explanations about trending marketing terms can just leave readers more confused. If you’ve been scratching your head, wondering about the meaning behind…

Last updated on November 5, 2021
Time and time again we see that email marketing is a very successful marketing tactic. In fact, when looking at ROI and engagement, email can be a powerhouse addition to your business, especially when you use email send best practices effectively: Emails have 50 to 100 times higher click-through-rates when compared to Facebook and Twitter. For every $1 marketers spend…

Acquiring new customers is always important, and retaining those customers is vital to growing your brand. Your email marketing campaigns need to effectively hook your target audience and keep them coming back for more. Here are five types of customer retention emails that can help you meet your goals in 2021. 1. Welcome Emails When a new customer subscribes to…

Did you know that more than 200 billion emails are sent each day worldwide? However, despite the volume, only about 20% of emails succeed in getting the target customers' attention enough to be read. And even fewer of the read emails actually lead to actionable outcomes such as clicking or making a purchase. With such statistics, it is evident that…

Last updated on June 1, 2020
Getting familiar with your email metrics gives you a leg up in developing a successful email marketing strategy. By the end of this article you should be able to better understand email metrics and more easily recognize when there is a need for improvement so you can get more mail delivered to the intended inbox. Plus, at the end of…

Last updated on August 20, 2021
"Email is not an age thing, while social media is divided by generations." Here’s what I mean: The Gen-Z are attached to Snapchat, Tik-Tok, and similar social media; Youngsters are all about Instagram; Professionals like to hang on to LinkedIn; And middle-aged people still prefer Facebook. It seems like there are boundaries in an individual's choice of social media. But……

Last updated on January 28, 2020
When I began my career in sales, I never thought about using sales email templates. I would power through my work days – making calls, confirming appointments, scanning company updates. Then, when I needed to send a follow-up email to one of my prospects, my momentum would screech to a halt. I’d stare at my screen and wonder, “Okay, how…

Last updated on July 29, 2019
Email marketing is great — when it’s done correctly. While social media marketing converts at a rate of 1.9%, email marketing converts at a rate of 6.05%. Of course, you have to know what you’re doing. (Or hire someone else who does.) But whether you’re an expert email marketer, or an entrepreneur looking for a sales boost, a few free…

Last updated on July 19, 2019
There are many ways to drive business goals using email marketing. But triggered emails are a particularly powerful tool to influence your audiences to act. Check out these statistics: Triggered emails drive 624% higher conversion responses for the same number of sends as compared to batch and blast emails. Over 75% of email revenue is generated by triggered campaigns, rather…