As a marketer, you have a lot on your plate. You have to find new prospects, turn them into sales, and figure out what’s working for your company and what’s not. While the challenge is great, marketing automation makes this easy.
Welcome to the world of SharpSpring’s marketing automation. SharpSpring marketing automation is a suite of tools that enables you to engage potential customers through their entire life cycle, from generating the lead to closing the sale – all this while being able to see what’s working and what isn’t.
Generate more leads and know where they came from, whether by phone or by form, nurture leads who aren’t ready yet with intelligent email, and focus your sales team on leads who are ready to buy.
You can know exactly what leads are interested in, when to reach out, and you can prove marketing ROI with complete end-to-end campaign tracking. Knowing all this, optimize your ROI by filtering what doesn’t work and doubling down on what does. All this lets you focus on and achieve your goals while SharpSpring’s marketing automation takes care of the rest. Sign up today for a free demo. Stop running campaigns and start having conversations.