SharpSpring CEO Rick Carlson recently presented at IZEAfest, an event geared at bringing together content creators, brands and agencies. This year’s theme was “Create Your Future,” with a focus on the different technologies and techniques available to help marketers attract and engage online audiences.

Rick discussed how the buyer’s journey has changed over the years and what businesses need to do to adapt. He focused on the importance of creating two-way, hyper-personalized interactions with prospects and customers.

“The buyer’s journey has really shifted from a seller-controlled experience, where everything happens in a showroom or in face-to-face communications, to a buyer-powered, self-guided tour,” said Rick. “But today’s websites and digital marketing are only just beginning to treat people like individuals.”

Rick emphasized the power of marketing automation for driving more leads and widening your sales funnel. Digital tools like these help you answer the questions your prospects are actually asking, so you can transform your brand from a ‘digital billboard’ to a website that facilitates two-way communication in real time.

He noted specific features that enable rich, meaningful interactions, including dynamic landing pages, dynamic emails, dynamic forms and behavioral-based lead tracking.

Watch Rick’s IZEAfest Presentation:

Or download the deck here.

IZEAfest took place on February 10-11 in Orlando, Florida, and it covered a variety of topics – from influencer marketing and content to the latest trends in next-gen technology.

Valerie Riley