We’re excited to announce a brand-new webinar series, beginning Wednesday, April 8th. To kick-start this series, we’re featuring a guest blog post from the presenter, Dan Roche of Lake34 Marketing.

Using SharpSpring marketing automation, Dan helped an e-commerce customer achieve impressive results:

  • Increased email opens by 50%,
  • Improved click-throughs 300%,
  • Decreased shopping cart abandons by 5-10%.

Don’t miss our webinar “Driving E-Commerce Sales with Marketing Automation” on Wednesday, April 8. Dan will highlight this case study and offer marketing automation strategies and tactics, ranging from tracking buyer behavior and segmenting customers, to creating nurturing campaigns and shopping cart abandonment programs.

This is a can’t-miss webinar for e-commerce marketers or agencies with e-commerce clients. We hope you can join us!

Register for Webinar • Read Case Study

About Dan Roche •  Founder – Lake34 Marketing

Dan Roche is an entrepreneur and marketing-automation evangelist. As the founder of Lake34 Marketing, he combines a mixture of 20 years as a business owner, agency account executive, and marketing strategist to help businesses solve their greatest challenge – increasing sales.

Dan works with small to mid-sized companies focused on aggressive growth, increasing their sales by helping them leverage cutting-edge tools and understand the buyer’s journey and customer lifecycle.

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