Today’s an exciting day for SharpSpring – and we hope you’re excited to hear what we have in store for marketing agencies, too. We’re celebrating the launch of our Agency Growth Series, featuring some of the biggest names in digital marketing.

The free web series kicked off at noon ET with a livestreamed session hosted by digital marketing strategist, keynote speaker, and New York Times best-selling author Jay Baer. Jay helped us announce the all-star lineup of speakers including Neil Patel, Rand Fishkin, Ann Handley and Seth Godin, just to name a few.

While we couldn’t be more excited about the curated lineup of speakers I don’t want the unique focus of these sessions to be lost in that excitement.

Marketing superstars like these are a big deal. They’re incredibly well-known in our industry and we’re thrilled to have them in our lineup. What’s even more noteworthy, though, is getting to hear their take on the specific topics marketing agencies most want and need to know about.

That’s where the Agency Growth Series comes in.

For the rest of the year, you’ll have unprecedented access to 14 web influencers through a mix of live 45-minute deep-dive Q&A sessions hosted by SharpSpring’s Founder and CEO Rick Carlson and 15-minute quick-hitting strategy sessions followed by a live Q&A.

The sessions cover a broad range of topics to accelerate agency growth and client satisfaction, including:

  • August 12 – Neil Patel’s “How to Optimize Conversion Rates for Clients”
  • August 26 – David C. Baker’s “Positioning Your Agency”
  • September 2 – Tom Martin’s “Turning Conversations into Clients”
  • September 16 – Shama Hyder’s “Driving Momentum for Your Agency & Your Clients”
  • September 30 – Drew McLellan’s “Agency Business Development”
  • October 7 – Chris Brogan’s “What SMBs Want From Agencies”
  • October 14 – Rand Fishkin’s “Agency Influencer Marketing & SEO”
  • October 21 – Jason Swenk’s “Grow and Scale Your Agency”
  • November 4 – Ann Smarty’s “SEO for Agencies”
  • November 12 – Ann Handley’s “How to Create Ridiculously Good Content”
  • November 18 – Amy Landino’s “Selling Video Services to Clients”
  • December 2 – Karl Sakas’ “Agency Operations”
  • December 10 – Seth Godin’s “The Future of Agencies”

So, why “for agencies?” It’s simple. While we are a marketing and sales automation platform, SharpSpring has always been focused on helping marketing agencies accelerate the growth of their businesses.

Agencies have their own set of needs, priorities, issues and opportunities, so when we discussed putting together a program featuring marketing influencer content there was no question that the content needed to be completely agency-focused.

If you’re part of a marketing agency looking for content you can use to advance and grow your agency, we hope you’ll register and plan to join us for the free sessions. (Make sure you don’t miss your favorite names by marking your calendar with their sessions!)

Personally, I’m especially excited to hear from Seth Godin, author of numerous marketing books that I love. Seth is like the godfather of modern digital marketing. He saw and predicted the future of how marketers would engage with consumers and other businesses in a digital world that didn’t yet fully exist when he published the book “Permission Marketing” in 1999. I mean, Amazon was just 4 years young then and pretty much just sold books. Need I say more?

I’m pumped for Seth, but man, tied for second are Ann Handley, the founder of MarketingProfs and genius content marketer, and then Neil Patel, perhaps the most well-known marketing influencer of 2020. He kicks us off next week (8/12/20) with some great information any agency can use; how to optimize conversion rates for your clients.

The time commitment for these sessions is low, but the payoff will be huge. I promise you’ll walk away from these quick-hitting sessions with some critical nuggets to apply at your agency.

For more information on SharpSpring, or to register free for the series visit:

photo of SharpSpring CMO Chip House
Chip House